Peter Steudtner


PETERSBLOG: Informationen rund um die “Aufarbeiten-Zeit” von Peter Steudtner

[Logo: Gregor Zielke] Wie Ihr wahrscheinlich mitbekommen habt, war ich (peter steudtner) von Juli bis Oktober 2017 in der Türkei in unrechtmäßiger Haft. Auch wenn wir #Istanbul10 (und auch inzwischen Taner Kılıç) freigelassen wurden, geht unser absurder Gerichtsprozess weiter. Dies verändert mein komplettes Arbeitsfeld, sodass ich mich (dank vieler Spender*innen des Crowdfundings) jetzt für ein [...]

PERIOD OF SILENCE – Wellbeing is resistance (work in progress) | André Jolles & Melanie Müller

Photos | Video by Peter Steudtner Die Tanzstudien entstanden im März 2018 als Vorarbeiten für die beiden Tänzer*innen-Choreograph*innen André Jolles und Melanie Müller für PERIOD OF SILENCE – wellbeing is resistance. Die graphische Verfremdung und Animation als stop-motion-video entstand aus der Interaktion zwischen den drei Künstler*innen. Dank an die Protagonist/innen: André Jolles & Melanie Müller

Film “Depois do Muro / Nach der Mauer” beim Shifting-Realities Festival in Hellerau

Der Film “Depois do Muro / Nach der Mauer” von Peter Steudtner / wird vom 3. – 11.2.2017 innerhalb der Ausstellung “MADGERMANS – Ossies und Mozzies” der Fotografin Annett Bourquin beim Shifting-Realities Festival in Hellerau gezeigt. Hier gehts zum Festival Hier gehts zur Ausstellung MADGERMANS Und hier gehts zum Film “Depois do Muro / [...]


Neue Doku: Saatgutsouveränität zurückerobern – Bäuerliches Saatgut in Mosambik

Video by Peter Steudtner English version – LINK TO VIMEO Versão Portuguesa – LINK TO VIMEO Viele Bauern und Bäuerinnen in Mosambik wollen kein Hybridsaatgut. Sie wollen ihr bäuerliches Saatgut zurück und damit die Kontrolle über natürliche Ressourcen und ihre Ernährung. Das Video zeigt Kleinbauern und -bäuerinnen, die aus hierzu eine klare Meinung haben und [...]

Doku: Ausverkauf um jeden Preis – Landgrabbing in Mosambik

Video by Peter Steudtner Der Filmemacher Peter Steudtner hat im Auftrag von INKOTA Menschen aus der Gemeinde Mutápua im Norden Mosambiks begleitet und sich von ihnen zeigen lassen, welche Auswirkungen Land Grabbing auf ihr Leben hat. Denn der norwegische Konzern Lurio Green Ressources hat in ihrer Gemeinde Land gepachtet, um Eukalyptus anzubauen und der Gemeinde [...]


AFTER THE WALL: Film screening during Festival in Berlin – March 2015

Our film will be screened from 6 to 15 of March 2015 at Hebbel am Ufer / HAU 1 during the dance and theatre program “Return to Sender” in Berlin. It will accompany the performances by Maria Tembe and Panaibra Gabriel Canda in their performance “Solo for Maria”. More information here! Here you find the [...]


von Jens Vilela Neumann Inklusive Filmmaterial über Manuel Siegert (ReencontroFamiliar) und Ausschnitte aus “Depois do Muro” ( vom 12.2. bis 15.3.2014 zu sehen in der Werkstattgalerie, Eisenacher Str. 6, 10777 Berlin; Eröffnung am 11.2., 19 Uhr Eine Ausstellung über deutsch-mosambikanische Identität, unsere Beziehungen und gemeinsamen Geschichte. In deutscher und portugiesischer Sprache. Mehr Informationen hier


Coal-Exhibition Maputo: Catalogue with images of Mauro Pinto, Peter Steudtner and Daniel Ribeiro

From September 26th until October 1st, 2013, the Mozambican NGO “Justiça Ambiental / Friends of the Earth Mozambique” exhibited “O Amanhã COMprometido. a vida por carvão” (The promised tomorrow. Life through coal.) comprised of images by mauro Pinto, Daniel Ribeiro and Peter Steudtner in Maputo’s Photographer’s Gallery (Associação Moçambicana de Fotografia). You can download the [...]


BANKING ON COAL // New study on global coal including Mozambique

One of Peter Steudtner’s recent images from Tete-Province, Mozambique, illustrates the involvement of banks in the global horrors faced because of coal mining and usage. Click here for the full report by urgewald, BankTrack, CEE Bankwatch Network and Polska Zielona Siec


Nach der Mauer / Depois do Muro: Documentary Dialogue Film now Online

A Project by Peter Steudtner Duration: 32‘  / Subtitles: Portuguese / German This Documentary – Dialogue Film portrays seven “Madjermanes” out of the more then 20.000 Mozambicans, who came during the 1980s to the former GDR to receive professional training and ended up working to pay off the Mozambican debts towards the GDR. About 3.000 [...]

Neue Bildungs-Online-Plattform zu Extraktiven Ressourcen in Mosambik

Konzept & Programmierung: Magdalena Freudenschuß & Peter Steudtner Webdesign: Gregor Zielke “Streit um Ressourcen” ist die neue Bildungs-Online-Plattform, die im Auftrag des KoordinierungsKreises Mosambik erstellt wurde. Die multimedialen Module, als Prezi-Pfade gestaltet, können online und offline genutzt werden. Der Inhalt nutzt ausschließlich Perspektiven und Experisen aus Mosambik, um dem Bild von “die Expert_innen kommen aus [...]

Puzzle für blog

New educational online-platform on Extractive Resources in Mozambique

Concept & Programming: Magdalena Freudenschuß & Peter Steudtner Web design: Gregor Zielke “The Struggle on Resources” is the title of a new educational online platform, commissioned by the German-Mozambican Coordination Committee / KoordinierungsKreis Mosambik. The multimedia modules, designed as prezi-paths, can be used online and offline. The content is only using perspectives and expertise from [...]

Stop-Look-Listen: Visual Letters / Short Films to the UN on Forced Resettlement in Northern Mozambique

  Director / Editor / Photography: Peter Steudtner Together with the Mozambican NGO Justiça Ambiental / Friends of the Earth Mozambique, Peter Steudtner directed, filmed and edited a series of three short clips (4-6 minutes) supporting Justiça Ambiental’s “Letter of Allegation: Concerning human-rights abuses in the village of Cateme, Mozambique” handed in to Mrs. Raquel [...]


Nepal Community School – BIKALPA (2009)

Photography by Peter Steudtner February 2009, Kathmandu: The BIKALPA Aagan Community School is situated in one of the slum areas close to Kathmandu’s airport. More than 30 children attend the daily pre-schooling activities which enable them to join later into formal schools. Further information here: See the full series of portraits here


Nepal Community School – BIKALPA (2012)

Photography by Peter Steudtner December 2012, Kathmandu: Back again at the BIKALPA Aagan Community School, which is situated in one of the slum areas close to Kathmandu’s airport. More than 30 children attend the daily schooling activities which include always a hot meal. After having been there in early 2009 and late 2011, it was [...]

CD Confessiones: Cover

CD-Release & Concerts: The AGvH Jazz Sextett – Confessiones

Photography: Peter Steudtner My colleagues from the Albrecht Gündel-vom Hofe Jazz Sextett have made a wonderful CD with Jazz versions of old Hymns. You can enjoy their music, while having a look at the booklet with images I took during studio sessions and concerts in Berlin. AND: There will be two upcoming concerts in Berlin [...]

gorleben365 exhibition

gorleben365: Exhibition around and for the Nonviolent Blockade Campaign

Design: Gregor Zielke Concept, Coordination & Texts: Peter Steudtner gorleben365: One year of civil disobedience. This was the promise of the organizers towards the German State and the company which is “exploring” the planned final nuclear waste disposal site in an old salt mine in Gorleben, Germany. As the salt mine is completely unsuited for [...]

Exhibition: Palliativecare - The Patient's View

Palliative Care from the Patient’s Perspective: Touring Exhibition

Concept & Photography by Peter Steudtner Design: Gregor Zielke September 2012 Photoproject on the perspective of people living in palliative care. Together with Dr. Elisabeth Lohmann we captured the advantages and necessities of palliative care “through” the eyes of the patients. The result are now published as a mobile exhibition to raise awareness on “dying [...]


Success: South Asia International Training on Nonviolence, Nepal, November / December 2012

Training by Peter Steudtner November – December 2012 South Asia International Training on Nonviolence in the Context of War and Armed Conflict at Bikalpa, Nepal, in cooperation with KURVE Wustrow worked out to be a success for the 18 participants from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Download the leaflet here

Peter Steudtner accepted for ESoDoc 2012 – European Social Documentary

ESoDoc – European Social Documentary, is a training initiative offered by ZeLIG School for Documentary and supported by the European Union’s MEDIA Programme. Peter Steudtner from has been accepted to take part in this year’s program with two project proposals: 1 – Dying at home: Between normality, poverty and palliative care in Mozambique and [...]

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Video Documentation: Mozambican-German Youth Dance Project

DIÁLOGOS: Mozambican-German Youth Dance Project – In Mozambique from peter steudtner on Vimeo. Video & Photography by Peter Steudtner 2010 Dialog – Diálogos: A Mozambican-German educational Dance Project with André Jolles and Dawa Mafunga. Documentary films commissioned by Mozambican-German Coordination Committee (KKM). Films and more information here.