PERIOD OF SILENCE – Wellbeing is resistance (work in progress) | André Jolles & Melanie Müller
Photos | Video by Peter Steudtner Die Tanzstudien entstanden im März 2018 als Vorarbeiten für die beiden Tänzer*innen-Choreograph*innen André Jolles und Melanie Müller für PERIOD OF SILENCE – wellbeing is resistance. Die graphische Verfremdung und Animation als stop-motion-video entstand aus der Interaktion zwischen den drei Künstler*innen. Dank an die Protagonist/innen: André Jolles & Melanie Müller
Film “Depois do Muro / Nach der Mauer” beim Shifting-Realities Festival in Hellerau
Der Film “Depois do Muro / Nach der Mauer” von Peter Steudtner / wird vom 3. – 11.2.2017 innerhalb der Ausstellung “MADGERMANS – Ossies und Mozzies” der Fotografin Annett Bourquin beim Shifting-Realities Festival in Hellerau gezeigt. Hier gehts zum Festival Hier gehts zur Ausstellung MADGERMANS Und hier gehts zum Film “Depois do Muro / [...]
Neue Doku: Saatgutsouveränität zurückerobern – Bäuerliches Saatgut in Mosambik
Video by Peter Steudtner English version – LINK TO VIMEO Versão Portuguesa – LINK TO VIMEO Viele Bauern und Bäuerinnen in Mosambik wollen kein Hybridsaatgut. Sie wollen ihr bäuerliches Saatgut zurück und damit die Kontrolle über natürliche Ressourcen und ihre Ernährung. Das Video zeigt Kleinbauern und -bäuerinnen, die aus hierzu eine klare Meinung haben und [...]
Doku: Ausverkauf um jeden Preis – Landgrabbing in Mosambik
Video by Peter Steudtner Der Filmemacher Peter Steudtner hat im Auftrag von INKOTA Menschen aus der Gemeinde Mutápua im Norden Mosambiks begleitet und sich von ihnen zeigen lassen, welche Auswirkungen Land Grabbing auf ihr Leben hat. Denn der norwegische Konzern Lurio Green Ressources hat in ihrer Gemeinde Land gepachtet, um Eukalyptus anzubauen und der Gemeinde [...]
He’s got Rhythm
Photography by Gregor Zielke Last week I had the pleasure of meeting Coco Schumann, a legend of Berlin Jazz and Swing of the 1940s, 50s and 60s. During the 1930s he was able to hide his Jewish identity but in 1944 was transported first to Theresienstadt, where he became a member of the Ghetto Swingers and later [...]
Neue Bildungs-Online-Plattform zu Extraktiven Ressourcen in Mosambik
Konzept & Programmierung: Magdalena Freudenschuß & Peter Steudtner Webdesign: Gregor Zielke “Streit um Ressourcen” ist die neue Bildungs-Online-Plattform, die im Auftrag des KoordinierungsKreises Mosambik erstellt wurde. Die multimedialen Module, als Prezi-Pfade gestaltet, können online und offline genutzt werden. Der Inhalt nutzt ausschließlich Perspektiven und Experisen aus Mosambik, um dem Bild von “die Expert_innen kommen aus [...]
New educational online-platform on Extractive Resources in Mozambique
Concept & Programming: Magdalena Freudenschuß & Peter Steudtner Web design: Gregor Zielke “The Struggle on Resources” is the title of a new educational online platform, commissioned by the German-Mozambican Coordination Committee / KoordinierungsKreis Mosambik. The multimedia modules, designed as prezi-paths, can be used online and offline. The content is only using perspectives and expertise from [...]
Stop-Look-Listen: Visual Letters / Short Films to the UN on Forced Resettlement in Northern Mozambique
Director / Editor / Photography: Peter Steudtner Together with the Mozambican NGO Justiça Ambiental / Friends of the Earth Mozambique, Peter Steudtner directed, filmed and edited a series of three short clips (4-6 minutes) supporting Justiça Ambiental’s “Letter of Allegation: Concerning human-rights abuses in the village of Cateme, Mozambique” handed in to Mrs. Raquel [...]
gorleben365: Exhibition around and for the Nonviolent Blockade Campaign
Design: Gregor Zielke Concept, Coordination & Texts: Peter Steudtner gorleben365: One year of civil disobedience. This was the promise of the organizers towards the German State and the company which is “exploring” the planned final nuclear waste disposal site in an old salt mine in Gorleben, Germany. As the salt mine is completely unsuited for [...]
Palliative Care from the Patient’s Perspective: Touring Exhibition
Concept & Photography by Peter Steudtner Design: Gregor Zielke September 2012 Photoproject on the perspective of people living in palliative care. Together with Dr. Elisabeth Lohmann we captured the advantages and necessities of palliative care “through” the eyes of the patients. The result are now published as a mobile exhibition to raise awareness on “dying [...]
Celebrating the Catastrophe: Nakba 2011
Photography by Peter Steudtner Ramallah, Palestine, 15 May 2011: While protesters and refugees cross the Israeli borders from Jordania and Syria, while nonviolent Palestinian protesters are teargassed and shot at the Qualandiya checkpoint, in the city center of Ramallah the Nakba – the catastrophy of the evictions of Palestinians during the creation of Israeli state [...]
Nonviolence in the shadow of the Wall
Photography by Peter Steudtner Bethlehem, Palestine, May 2011: Palestinian-Israeli youth encounters, nonviolence as resistance, concerts in the garden, planting flowers against the concrete wall: The Palestinian Center for Conflict Resolution Wi’am is located directly aside the wall. Overlooked by the Israeli control tower all activities of the center are intended to show humanity and solidarity and [...]
Nonviolence & Teargas: Palestine
Photography by Peter Steudtner Al Ma’sara, Palestine, 13 May 2011. Accompanying the peaceful march of the Palestine village of Al Ma’sara, close to Bethlehem, towards their land, which was cofiscated and occupated by Israeli troops. Outside the village the Israeli occupation forces closed entrances to the village and dispersed the demonstrators. The Israeli occupation forces [...]
Confessiones – Jazz
Photography by Peter Steudtner February 2012 The Albrecht Gündel-vom-Hofe Sextet live at Schloth, Berlin. Greg Ambroisine – Trumpet Uwe Steinmetz – Alto Sax Finn Wiesner – Tenor Sax Albrecht Gündel-vom Hofe – Piano Robin Draganic – Bass Ray Kaczynski – Drums The AGvH-Sextet live at Schloth – All Photos Talking and listening Jazz – The [...]
Nepal Community School – BIKALPA
Photography by Peter Steudtner November 2011, Kathmandu: The BIKALPA Aagan Community School is situated in one of the slum areas close to Kathmandu’s airport. More than 30 children attend the daily schooling activities which include always a hot meal. After having been there in early 2009, it was a marvelous experience to return the photographs [...]
Anti-Nuclear-Blockade Heads Off for 365 Days – Photo Documentation
Photography by Peter Steudtner August 2011 365 days of continuous nonviolent resistance against the planned nuclear waste disposal site in Gorleben started with nearly 300 people despite torrential rains. The initiative aims at stopping all exploration drilling for a final nuclear waste disposal at the former salt mines in Gorleben as well as shutting down [...]
After the wall – Dialogue Film Project
Photos & Video by Peter Steudtner September – October 2011 Film project / Editing: Depois do Muro (After the Wall) – Dialogue-Film between Mozambicans living in Germany since the former GDR and the ones, who already returned. Filmed interviews with still photography (director / camera: Peter Steudtner, sound: Andreas Freudenschuss). TV-Film-Production together with Mahla-Films, Maputo, [...]
Dialog – There is no time to lie: Dance Project – Photo Documentation
Photography by Peter Steudtner 2010 Dialog Documentation on the Mozambican-German contemporanean dance Project by André Jolles and Dawa Mafunga. PDF- / Leaflet Documentary.
Mozambican-German Youth Photo Project on Resources
Educational Photo Project by Rui Assubuji & Peter Steudtner / Layout: Gregor Zielke 2010 Resources – Wealth and Poverty. A Mozambican-German youth photo project. Facilitated by Rui Assubuji and Peter Steudtner. Commissioned by Mozambican-German Coordination Committee (KKM), Germany, and Amigos da Floresta, Mozambique. Exhibition and more information here.