An honest Charlatan
Today Jüdische Allgemeine published an article with Gregor Zielke’s images of Gilbert Jakubcyk, an old school gleeman, chain smoker and really really great guy. Read the story here and view the whole reportage images here Jüdische Allgemeine also published a slideshow of the images/story here: http://www.juedische-allgemeine.de/gallery/view/id/113

The double Life of a Hungarian Politician
Hitting the newsstands today is Italian magazine “Internazionale” with a report from Anne Applebaum accompanied by an image of Gregor Zielke on the double life of Hungarian politician Csanád Szegedi who was the leader of Hungary’s right wing JOBBIK party and learned that he was a jew himself.
On Display // Ravensbrück Memorial
One of Gregor Zielke’s images was recently added to the permanent collection of the new exhibition displayed at the former concentration camp / memorial Ravensbrück. The image shows German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble and Chairman of the Jewish Claims Conference Julius Berman signing the new article 2 agreement for compensation to the victims of the Nazis [...]

Courrier International reports on mining
in Moatize, Mozambique
Out on the newsstands this week is French magazine “Courrier International” with a report on the mining boom in Tete Province with three of Gregor Zielke’s images. For those interested in the topic, please also see Gregor Zielke’s photo essay “Promised Land” or Peter Steudtners short films to the UN on forced resettlement in Northern Mozambique.